
Corporate governance

Axon Mineração S/A is a Brazilian company, under private law, in the form of a closed capital corporation.

As part of our planning and management, there is the Corporate Governance system, which aims to maintain a balance of interests between the Stackholders (Shareholders, Board and Management of the Company), with the use of good governance practices, based on the principles of:

Our growth strategy

It is based on: (i) development and prospecting of Greenfields mineral areas; (ii) partnerships; or (iii) acquisitions of Browfields mineral areas. Greenfields take longer to develop, but the cost is much lower. Browfields areas, development is fast, but the cost is very high.

The Company's geology team is working on prospecting, researching and developing new Greenfields projects in potential areas (quantity x grade).

Controles Internos, financeiro e contábil.
Políticas, Regras e os Controles Internos da empresa.
Boas Práticas
Direitos dos acionistas.
Remuneração justa.
Boas práticas contábeis.
Prevenção à corrupção.
Prestar contas de sua atuação de modo claro, conciso, compreensível e tempestivo.

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