Ore from

Which is

It often occurs in association with copper deposits and has therefore been called white copper. When pure, it has a light gray, slightly golden metallic luster.

What is it for

Hoje o níquel é empregado em mais de três mil ligas metálicas, a maioria delas com o ferro, na produção de aço inoxidável. Curiosamente, além de ser encontrado nas rochas, o níquel naturalmente existe na maioria dos vegetais, frutas e nozes, pois é essencial para uma vida vegetal saudável.


In 2017, world nickel production was approximately 2.5 million tons per year. Brazil's nickel production in 2015 was about 170,000 tons of contained ore. The main reserves are in the states of Goiás and Pará, which hold 90% of the entire national reserve.


In April/2022 the pre

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