Ore from

Which is

Gold is a chemical element that has an added economic value and can be economically and technologically viable to extract.

It usually occurs disseminated in gangue minerals (mainly quartz) and sulfides (especially pyrite), in round grains, platelets or nuggets. In the latter, as it is in the form of free gold, it is easily separated using a pan, due to its high density.

What is it for

One of the most traditional uses of gold is the manufacture of coins, however currently it is also widely used in the manufacture of jewelry (rings, watches, necklaces), in addition to the manufacture of electronic components.


According to the IBRAM report, in 2020, gold production in Brazil had a turnover of R$ 23 billion, in 2021 this revenue increased to R$ 27 billion.


Em abril de 2022 o preço do ouro estava USD 59.400.400 p/ ton, ou USD 59,4 o grama.

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